Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our Tu B' Shevat

Samantha and Sonia get ready for the Tu B'Shevat sedar in appropriate tree and leaf outfits.

The Unicorn and the Levana children held a combined Tu B'Shevat Seder. We began with song - Hineh Ma Tov, Trees Are Blowing in the Wind and Happy Birthday to the Trees in both English and Hebrew. We blessed and drank 4 cups a of grape juice and ate a variety of fruits between servings of juice. There were 3 varieties of fruits: fruits with shells - oranges; fruits with pits - dates and fruits that we eat inside and outside - blueberries. We also ate figs and golden raisons After feasting, we sang the Shehecheyanu.

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  1. What a fun way to celebrate! Eliana loved telling me all about it! She was so proud singing Hineh Ma Tov tonight as I shared this blog with her. Thanks for giving all the kids this fun and engaging way to enjoy the holiday!

  2. I gotta get Adam on the blog so we can talk about it! It looks amazing and adorable!
