When we arrived in the Community Room for Dancing with Nancy, Noah Sussman wasn't quite sure how it was going to go. We had been having dance in the Social Hall the past few times and, although we are familiar with the Community Room, it was a bit of a change from our routine.
We began to stretch and then move around. Noah decided that he was more comfortable sitting with Judi and watching. It was obvious he was taking it all in and figuring out how to help himself enjoy the activity. Sometimes, it is important to allow children time when beginning an activity. The comfort that we may have to "jump right in" may not be the same for a particular child. As the time passed, Noah smiled at his friends as they moved and danced. When Nancy took out the parachute, Noah approached it with confidence...he knew he wanted to do this!
oh how precious...i love this and it TOTAY captures him and his personality so much...thank you Rebecca and Judi!!!!