Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sharing...easier said than done

We have been talking a lot about friendship and what kindness looks like through the eyes of a three or four year old. The Sunshines easily recognize that checking on someone who is sad, inviting a friend to play or sharing a toy are all great ways to show friendly behavior.

Today we tried working in pairs on a single project. We are building a castle for Queen Esther in Shushan and we need to stack colorfully decorated boxes to make our palace. The children worked in pairs to color their box. At first, figuring out where the box should sit was a challenge. They realized that if they were sharing, it couldn't really sit directly in front of either child. Once placement was established, the children found that they needed to take turns in certain areas and wait patiently to turn/flip the box if their partner was not finished in his/her section.

It was great to hear the beginning of these negotiations and we know that practice will definitely get us closer to perfect!!

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