Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Exploring a Pumpkin

We had a really big pumpkin in our class today, and we talked all about pumpkins.
We discussed the different ways that various fruits and vegetables grow. We know that some things, like apples, oranges and grapefruit, grow on trees. We talked about the delicious berries that grow on bushes, and the vegetables, like onions, carrots and potatoes, that grow underground. Finally, we learned that pumpkins grow on a vine, along the ground.
We also used several of our senses to explore, and describe, our pumpkin. We noticed, using our eyes, that our pumpkin is orange, bumpy, has lines going up and down, and has little "hollows" in it. Our fingers told us that the pumpkin is cold, bumpy and feels scratchy in some spots, and the stem feels "crispy" and rough.
Next, we will cut our pumpkin open and explore its insides. We're expecting the inside to feel "goopy," wet and "stringy." And in addition to our large pumpkin, we also have a very small pumpkin in our classroom, and we will also open that one. We are wondering if the inside of a small pumpkin will look the same as the inside pf a large pumpkin.
Stay tuned for lots more observations!

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