Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Writing for Real Life

If you think back to your own childhood, you probably remember years of sitting at desks and writing the same alphabet letter, over and over.  First tracing the dots, then writing rows of letters on your own.  Why were you writing that letter?  Was it meaningful?  How might your teachers have answered those questions? 

At TBSCC children are offered real life, meaningful writing opportunities.  They are writing the same letters again and again just as we did, but they are doing it with a purpose.  By using their writing skills to write real notes and letters, they learn not just to form the letters, but begin to see themselves as capable, competent writers. 

The Haifa writers used their writing skills to create gift tags for their parents.  I can't reveal more than that, but look for the results at tomorrow's Curriculum Night.


  1. i love when i see what Julia is doing on a particular day so that I can ask her, "who were you writing a letter to?" - I find that questions like that are more likely to be answered rather than, "what did you do today!"
    So I am having great insight with this blog......
    Sandi Shulman - Julia's Safta

  2. jay feels very empowered writing his name and other short words adn i know it is a favorite part of the day
