Friday, October 22, 2010

"Let's Work It Out"!

"The Peace Table" (or Let's work it out table) is a table with two or three chairs, set in a quiet area where children can learn beginning negotiating skills and verbal strategies for resolving conflicts peacefully, first with adult help and then, as they gain experience, on their own. The "Peace Table" gives a strong message to children that words are the acceptable tools for resolving conflicts.
Through stories, discussions and puppet plays, the Tel Aviv All Stars are learning how to resolve conflict and have created a comfortable and respectful classroom. At times, the children need to find a place to work out a conflict peacefully ("The Peace Table"). Over the course of the week, the children have been able to work through issues with friends on the rug, at circle time and outside, etc. It has been amazing how some of children just "get it "; they are comfortable and confident when using the problem solving strategies. The following are some examples of how they have applied the strategies in the classroom and on the playground:

  • Teddy Fox and Ruby wanted the same chair and Mia walked up to Ruby and said, "Ruby I have an idea, you can sit in this chair next to me." Ruby said,"OK" and sat down next to Mia.
  • Sam R. was being chased on the playground, he stopped, put his hand out in front of him and said, "Stop, I don't like when you chase me!"
  • Teddy, Joshua, Isaiah and Ruby built a house for Chester. The problem was there were two Chester's (Teddy brought his Chester in from home), and one house. Mia heard what was going on and walked over to the conflict resolution strategies, posted in the classroom; she pointed to the negotiation visual and said,"Ruby and Teddy, you guys have to do this one!" I asked, "What does that one mean?" Isaiah said,""Sharing and thinking." Teddy responded, "Ruby why don't we take turns using the house?" Ruby said, "Sure!"
All Stars keep using those wonderful words!

1 comment:

  1. 1) I love the peace themed table cloth on the peace table. It sends off a nice hippy vibe.

    2) It is evident that the children are really internalizing the strategies at school and at home. Mia uses, "Stop!!!!" with me a lot. Now I am working on sometimes adding in the word please, depending on what she wants me to stop. :)
