Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Visit from Rabbi Todd

In honor of the holiday of Tu B'Shevat, Rabbi Todd visited the Sunshines today to share its meaning. We all looked out the window to see and to sing Happy Birthday to the trees. We talked about the importance of planting trees and about the animals that live in trees. And finally, we pretended to be trees stretching our arms up high like branches.
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  1. One of my favorite things about TBSCC is that the rabbi's are so willing to get on the floor with the kids and are not afraid of getting dirty. Both of my boys often talk about Rabbi Jay or Rabbi Todd and I think it is wonderful that that rabbis are so "real" for them at this young age. When Noah was a Sunshine he used to love pretending he was Rabbi Jay and he often told daddy that he could be Rabbi Todd.

  2. We are big fans of the rabbis in our house, too. We are partial to Rabbi Todd but like Rabbi Jay very much as well!

  3. Ha! Had to comment here. . .Jesse still loves to play school with his Bubbe as "Miss Maria" and "Miss Smadar". Jesse always wants to be Miss Smadar so he gets to go to Israel!!
