Sunday, January 30, 2011

Let It Snow!

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

And since we've no place to go
Let Snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

The Sunshines have been singing a new song whose lyrics appear above. And with all the snow we're gotten this winter, it seems more than ever on target.

Sara, Ryan, Ali, Hannah and Eliza are painting a snow scene using the ends of romaine lettuce as brushes. It's kind of silly but lots of fun.

Leo, Eli, Ryan and Avram are playing a counting and matching mitten game that takes concentration, cooperation and turn-taking.
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  1. how creative! paint brushes made out of romaine lettuce! the children seem to enjoy working with them!

  2. Thanks Judy! I totally missed the lettuce on first glance! I must have skimmed over it. Then when I read your comment, I pictured using the leaves, rather than the stalk (?). The Sunshines always look like they are having a blast!
