Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"The Littlest Tree"

The Littlest Tree

By Sylvia Rouss
Illustated bt Ari Binus

"The littlest tree is surrounded by thick, tall trees. They're always bragging about how great they are. They block out the sun and make the littlest tree feel bad about himself. One day people from the village come into the woods to choose the trees that will be used for the new synagogue. The mighty oak tree is to become the Bima, the strong pine tree is to become the walls, and the sweet smelling cedar tree is to become the Ark. But what's to become of the wood of the littlest tree? One of the villagers spots the littlest tree and has a wonderful idea. The wood of the littlest tree is very, very special. It's perfect for one of the most important items found in the synagogue..." Ask your children what the littlest tree was used for?

After we listened to the story we had a discussion about the meaning of "bragging" and why it is not socially accepted. We also talk about how the trees in the story showed their feelings without using any words. We explained that we can show feelings with our bodies, and when we do, we are using "body language."