Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome Alison

The Scientists had a very exciting day today! We were thrilled to welcome Alison S. to our class today as our new 5 day a week teacher. In celebration, we baked a cake, and then decorated it with "Welcome Alison." It was such fun to listen to the sounds in the words, and to then write the letters on our cake. And everyone thought that our cake was delicious!
Alison's energy and enthusiasm will be a wonderful addition to our class!
Welcome Alison S.!

Alison D.
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  1. I second the motion- WELCOME ALISON!!!!!

  2. We are thrilled to have you! The cake was a bit hit!

  3. Those kids just love to cook! I loved watching them beat the eggs and mix the ingredients. If anyone has one to lend, I could use some extra help in the kitchen.
