Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Singing and Dancing with the Haifa Class

All of this snow has inspired a new favorite song.  Can you imagine if all the snowflakes turned into good things to eat?  Yum!  Watch and you'll discover the fun ending to this song as we catch pretend snowflakes on our tongues. 

The children worked for weeks to learn the Chicken Dance. Watching the video, you will notice their enthusiasm for this dance. Sharing it at the Shabbat Shindig was a chance for the children to demonstrate their skill and teach our guests the moves.  Enjoy!


  1. great dancing and singing Haifas!

  2. Such talent in this group. I'm looking for the next American Idol. . .I love watching these videos with Jesse!

  3. This put a great big smile on my face. It's great to see the haifas having so much fun!

  4. that was about as much fun as we could hope for, on a saturday afternoon "blogging!"
    This dance is adorable, and I will be prepared to be Julia's partner and try to keep up!!!

    Sandi Shulman

  5. I am definitely enjoying your website. You definitely have some great insight and great stories. how to improve your singing voice
