Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Havdalah on Tuessday

Havdalah is the ceremony with which we transition from Shabbat to the rest of the week. Since there was no school this week on Monday, we decided to introduce Havdalah to our Tuesday group of children. The word Havdalah means separation. It is the separation of kadosh or sacred time of Shabbat from the rest of the ordinary week. Just as we welcome Shabbat on Friday with candles and wine, we usher Shabbat out with similar symbols. Instead of challah, we bless and smell besameem, sweet spices as we try to hold onto the sweetness of Shabbat. We sing Shavua Tov – a good week .

Samantha holds the special candle with Gabi.
Nicolas smells the sweet spices and Lindsey watches as the candle’s flame is extinguished.

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