Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What's your plan?

What's your plan for building? 
Like all of the classrooms here at TBSCC, our free play in the Etzim classroom is a bustling time in our morning routine.  With lots of busy little bodies in motion and creativity filling our rooms the children get very excited when exploring different areas of the classroom trying to bring their ideas into a physical manifestation.  One area that gets a lot of attention in our building unit is the block area.  We have many different types of blocks that are shared on one big blue canvas, our rug!  This area is also a favorite for picnics, family book reading, and the occasional babysitting of dolls.  When many feet start to head to the rug to explore, often, Laura or I will ask the children, "What's your plan for the rug?" or simply, "What's your plan?"  This simple prompt gives the three year olds in our class time to organize and internalize their intent. 

In the picture above, one child was building, when other children wanted to come over.  Together we asked "what is your plan for building?"   The child building was able to effectively communicate with the other children, about his plan of building a Sukkah.  All the children who wished to join were able to hear his intent for the building, and were excited to join it and help this plan come to life. 

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