Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Making Fairy Tales Come Alive

The Haifa class has been doing an in-depth study on different fairy tales over the last few weeks. Instead of just making the fairy tales part of our circle time discussion and book time topics, we wanted to help the children see the fairy tales come alive. When we read Jack and the Beanstalk, we had beans in the sensory table and planted lima beans to create our own stalks. Today we had blue paint at the easel, and Jared is creating clouds on his paper, because today we read Henny Penny and saw how she thought the sky was falling!

We introduced the idea that stories can be fiction and non-fiction, and what the differences between the two are. We are using this in class to help our children learn the difference between what we read and what can actually happen in real life.

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1 comment:

  1. What a cool study! I can't wait to see where else these fairy tales take you- you guys always do cool stuff! I am sure the children will find new directions to explore!
