Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I made an A!

Today Adam sat down at the art table ready to write a thank you card for his family for Thanksgiving, and as soon as he sat down he exclaimed to himself, “ I don’t even know how to write!” and gave a huge sigh and rested his head in his hands. I saw that he seemed a bit overwhelmed by the idea of writing and together we looked at the card that said “thank you. “ I told him he did not need to write anything at all! He could just draw if he wanted and that was ok! However, if he did want to write he could look at the letters and draw the shapes that he saw and then I could write a message for him later. He seemed motivated and got to work drawing. Soon I heard him exclaim, “Look! I made an A!” Adam had indeed made many A’s and saw that it was a letter he knew in the word THANK. He was so proud of himself and knew that he had drawn a letter that was both in his name and a word on the card in front of him.  Making these connections are exciting and important for emerging literacy. Mazel Tov Adam! We are excited to continue watching you learn!
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  1. Fantastic story and beautiful elucidation of the literacy learning going on in the room. We can't wait to see the card in person!

  2. It is do exciting to watch his development on so many different levels this year!
