Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Meet the "Toe-Rah" !

In preparation for Simchat Torah,
Rabbi Jay stopped in to visit with the Rainbows today. He introduced us to the Torah, and helped us learn how to say its name: Toe - like one on your foot, and Rah - like a big cheer! The children were delighted to see the beautiful tee-shirt that the Torah wore and to have a chance to touch the paper on the outside of it. Rabbi Jay showed us the Hebrew letters inside and we sang about the Torah together. He also let us touch the tiny finger at the end of the yad, the torah pointer that helps with keeping one's place while reading from the Torah.

In addition to our visit with Rabbi Jay, we enjoyed slicing and cutting apples in order to make applesauce. The children added some tasty cinnamon and enjoyed the aroma as it cooked. We later delighted in sharing the warm apples for snack.

1 comment:

  1. Cute picture!

    At dinner tonight Nathan spontaneously said, "My teacher is really happy." So we said, "Which teacher?" and he said "Nancy! She is a really good teacher."

