Friday, December 17, 2010

A Flat Stanley Party

The Leibman family Flat Stanleys were walking down the street in Jerusalem today in search of pizza. It was time for lunch and they were getting hungry.

Meanwhile, Ellen and Flat Stanley were eating falafel for lunch in Jerusalem. "Hello!" said Ellen. "Hello!" said Deena and Alex and Zack and Jackie. Alex showed the Bruins kippah and key chain he picked out in Jerusalem. Zack showed his Bruins kippah and army shirt. And Jackie told about her snow globe (she couldn't show it because it was all wrapped up for safe keeping.)

All four Flat Stanleys got together to have their pictures taken. Can you spot them all in the picture?

"Shabbat Shalom!" said Alex
"Shabbat Shalom!" said Zack
"Shabbat Shalom!" said Ellen
"Shabbat Shalom!" said the Flat Stanleys
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  1. HOW COOL!!!! Hope Ellen and all the Leibmans are having a blast. We miss you all!

  2. You all look like you are having so much fun! I bet it was great to see each other in Israel. Love the picture!

  3. So great!! So glad you all met up - loved seeing this post!
