Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stanley Finds a Drink

Stanley was busy exploring Israel. Everywhere he looked, he found something new. "I'm thirsty," thought Stanley, jumping up onto the table to look for a drink. Landing with a thud, he saw this box. It was tall and white, with black spots. The design on the box reminded Stanley of something. Can you guess what it was? (Hint: It reminded Stanley of an animal.)

"Hmmm. That box looks just like a cow!" exclaimed Stanley, trying to figure out what might be inside. He noticed the Hebrew word on the front of the box: Cha-lav. "I know that word! And I know that milk comes from cows!" he thought. Maybe there is milk inside that box!

Stanley knew that in Israel the summers are so hot that the cows make only a little bit of chalav. But it is winter in Israel now, so the cows are making lots of chalav. So Stanley decided to help himself to a nice, cool glass of chalav. He carefully tipped the milk carton, poured it into the cup, and took a refreshing sip. "I love chalav,"said Stanley and he slowly drank the entire cup.
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