Rob Spiegel came into the Tel Aviv All Stars classroom to spend some time with Aaron and his friends. Rob made challah with the children, joined us for our group Shabbat snack and read us one of Aaron's favorite books, Those Mean Nasty Dirty Downright Disgusting but...Invisible Germs.
Rob and Aaron went over to our Reading Center to pick out a book to read to the entire class. Aaron said, "I would like to read the germ book." Everyone loves to listen and look at the germ book! Both the teachers and the children plan on asking Ellen to order the book for our school (the book we have is Lauri's) when she gets back from Israel.
"The prevention of infectious disease transmission begins with our children. Teaching them how to wash their hands and why it matters in a world of germs is an important step in that prevention effort. Those Mean Nasty Dirty Downright Disgusting but...Invisible Germs is an imaginative and fun tool that every parent, teacher, child care provider, or public health practitioner should incorporate into their program!
Those Mean Nasty Dirty Downright Disgusting but... Invisible Germs
Written by -Judith Anne Rice
Illustrated by -Reed Merrill
When I got the chance to drop Mia off at school this week, she chose that book for me to read to her and Hadley. I loved it as well and plan to refer to it when a certain four year old girl resists washing her hands well. What a terrific book!