Monday, December 13, 2010

Feelings Inside You!

It doesn't matter if you are VERY BIG or very small, you have FEELINGS- INSIDE YOU and OUT LOUD TOO! And no one in the whole world can know what you are feeling inside, unless you decide to to tell them.

There are many ways to feel:

  1. Special
  2. Frustrated
  3. Private
  4. Fear
  5. Love
  6. Pain
  7. Good
  8. Jealous
  9. Close
  10. Alone

It is so important to understand why you feel the way you do but there is something else important too... If you want to tell someone how you are feeling there are many different ways to do it.

Education about how to identify and handle our emotions (especially those that are unpleasant or frightening) is as important as other kinds of learning. Over the next several weeks we will play games, read books and plan fun activities to teach the children simple reassuring language to help them understand and manage their feelings and relate successfully to others.

Today the children made a cover for their book about "Feelings." Below are a few photos that capture how excited the children were to get started with their book!

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