Monday, December 20, 2010

Jewish Rituals in the Morning: Upon Waking

Morning rituals set the stage for the day. Modeh Ani is the traditional morning prayer and is one that can be said by children. Hold your child in a chair or sit on the bed with them, and share a special moment of closeness before the morning rush begins. Recite Modeh Ani together. For young children, sing or recite the blessing in English and in Hebrew. As they get older, encourage them to join you for the English and then later for the Hebrew.

Modeh ani l’fanecha, melech chai v’kayam,
shehechezarta bi nishmati b’chemlah; rabah emunatecha.
I give thanks to You, O God, eternal and living ruler,
who in mercy has returned my soul to me; great is your faithfulness.
From the Union for Reform Judaism


  1. Nature is truly beautiful. It is nice to take the time to appreciate the wonder and the beauty. What a gift we have been given to us by G-d!

  2. Beautiful photo. Thank you for posting it with the article about "Modeh ani".
