Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Marshmallow Sculptures

This week the Haifa All Stars have been talking about winter and snow and ice. In honor of the snow and ice, we built marshamallow sculptures. We used mini marshamallows and toothpicks. Some of the marshmallows were colored ones and some were white. We put them together by putting a marshmallow on a toothpick and and sticking into another marshmallow and then another toothpick. Everyone's sculpture looked different and it was a great fine motor skill activity that you can even eat when you bring it home if mom says that it is ok.
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  1. i hope i get to take care of Julia while there are still some marshmallows around! It will be a good "sharing" session!! Sandi Shulman

  2. Jesse's sculpture never made it home. . .he started eating it the minute he got in the car : ) YUM!

  3. No chance. The marshmallows were gone after lunch. Julia is so excited about all the snowflakes she has made this week. Beth
