Monday, January 10, 2011

The Patriots Chain

Dear New England Patriots,

The day after every game, the 4-year-old Haifa All Star Class at Temple Beth Shalom,
Needham, MA, made a paper chain. The number of links in each chain equaled the total number
of points scored by the Patriots that week

The children dictated the following letter about this activity. They are very excited about
telling you what they did.

We made you so many chains. See our picture in this letter. We made one paper chain
for every game you played. Each link in the paper chains we made are for each point you scored.
Jay G. says to please say hello to Wes Welker. We hope you are happy that we made these
paper chains for you. You did really well this season. We made strips of paper with a scissors.
Then we put them together in a circle. We stapled the circles. We made most of these chains on
Mondays in 2010. We counted the circles and put them in a pattern. Every week we had a
different color pattern.

We want you to win the games the rest of this year. We want you to win the Super Bowl.

Thank you for winning.
Love, The Haifa Class


  1. Adorable!!! Josh takes so much pride in his Patriots chains. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a response!

  2. How about a visit to the TBSCC- now that would be a nice way to respond to the Haifa class! So precious!

  3. I love that you wrote the Patriots. I am also keeping my fingers crossed for a response!

  4. ...if they DARE not respond, "I" will send a letter (only kidding only kidding!!!!)to Bob Kraft!!!!
    ...but i will be sad!!! Even if it is a "form" letter - i would like the children to learn that sending nice letters and doing nice things, elicits nice responses from nice people!!! Sandi Shulman

  5. Sandi,
    I quite agree. Doing nice things and writing nice letters does deserve a response. As soon as we hear from The Pats we will let everyone know on the blog. So stay tuned for coming attractions.
