Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thumbs-up Reading

One of my favorite things to do in the Haifa classroom is Thumbs-up reading. Thumbs-up reading happens after snack every day and lasts for five minutes. The children pick a book to read and then spread out all over the classroom.

The loft is a very popular place to read. So much so that there is a chart in the classroom for who gets to read on the loft each day!

After the five minutes is up, the books get put away and the children are asked if they read. If they did read, they receive a thumb, and for every five thumbs, they get a star!

-Alison Simpson
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  1. Alison, Thanks for sharing the details of this routine. It is helpful to have these glances into the everyday happenings of the classroom.

  2. Thumbs up reading is so nice. When i visited the classroom I thought it was a great idea.
