Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Create Your Own Snack

The Hiafa class has really been enjoying the freedom of open snack. The students get to choose when they are hungry or who they would like to eat with, and portion out their food. While we put up signs to let them know how much to take, it is up to the students to follow those signs.

Today at snack we had Cheerios. But for a fun twist, we told the students that they would be able to put the Cheerios in some strawberry yogurt if they chose. We have kid sized spoons (read: espresso spoons) that fit easily into the cups, and the kids get to make their own snack! Some chose to have the Cheerios and yogurt, while some chose to have just Cheerios, just yogurt, or have both separately.

It's great to see the children so confident in their ability and knowing themselves well enough to know what they do and do not like and what they will or will not try!

-Alison and Sauci
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