Thursday, September 2, 2010

Maria Gonzalez-Griffith

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

William Butler Gates

Where ever we are and whatever we are doing, it is possible to learn something that can enrich our lives and the lives of others. No one’s education is ever complete.

Sir John Templeton

Children come into our classrooms with an intrinsic sense of wonder about their world and their surroundings. My role as an educator is to nurture that sense of wonder and excitement about their world by supporting their interests and providing opportunities for discovery. Children’s ideas, interests, and personalities are an integral part of our learning environment.

Recognizing children as active learners in the acquisition of knowledge, my role is ensure that there are abundant materials available that expand children’s experiences and stimulate their thought process. I support and encourage opportunities for children to search for answers, take risks, make theories, and express them in a safe environment.

As an educator in a Jewish school, I feel my role is to support and encourage an atmosphere of inquiry, dialogue, and transmission of Jewish history in a manner that is meaningful to preschool children. I strive to provide an environment where we see ourselves as stewards of this world; responsible for taking care of one another. Respect, kindness, and love towards all God’s creatures is encouraged.

As a parent and an educator, I look at education as a cooperative effort between home and school. In working with families I strive to promote interaction and conversation. It is with these interactions and collaborative efforts that we ensure a quality experience for all.

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your world.

1 comment:

  1. We are super excited for Tel Aviv All Stars but we'll miss Maria and Smadar too!!!! Hope those Unicorns know how lucky they are! (Though all the TBSCC students are in great hands!)
