Monday, December 13, 2010

The Gift

The Sunshines listened attentively today as Ali's mom, Lisa, read The Gift. This story teaches us about giving and the importance of sharing with those who have less than we do. At this time of year, we are very aware of the need for warm clothing, and the Sunshines know that in order to have fun playing outside, they need jackets, hats, mittens, and sometimes boots. Tzedekah offerings were used to purchase some of these items for children whose families may have difficulty providing them. Each child carried a pair of new mittens or gloves to the collection box in our school lobby so that others can be warmly dressed for the winter weather. We are grateful to the mothers who organized and supported the mitten collection. Through them, the children are learning that we give Tzedekah because it is a mitzvah to help other people.

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1 comment:

  1. What a great project. It is never to early to learn what a Mitzvah is all about. TBSCC is really teaching the children how to be a Mensch!
    Anne (Alana's Grammie)
