Thursday, January 6, 2011

Penguins, penguins, everywhere!

These children never cease to amaze me. As I was reading a brand new library book to the children about penguins, they again surprised me with the knowledge they already had about these animals. They knew they were birds, that they were covered in feathers, and that some were called "Emperor" penguins. I asked them how they learned these facts, and they said from television and movies. Today we had ice in the sensory table along with about 20 penguin figurines which the children loved playing with. There were penguin puppets around the room, and the children made pictures of penguins with pre-cut paper parts, cotton, yarn, and googlie eyes. Several books were available in the art center and library. Some lucky families received a penguin for each member! Relevant books will stay in the classroom for the next 3 weeks.
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  1. My favorite penguin book is 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental. It is hilarious!

  2. I have a bunch of penguin books that I will try to remember to send in with Mia. I used to love to teach about penguins, really because I think they are cool!
