We welcomed our parents with a Dvar Torah, words of teaching inspired by the Torah, below...
"Let me be ready this day to hear the need beneath the surface of the people who address me; let me listen with special attention to the words of old people, for they have seen much, and to the words of the young for they see with new eyes what I may have taken for granted. Their words, too, may be Torah." -Rabbi Chaim Stern
The idea that our actions matter and that, through how we live, we have the opportunity – the responsibility – to positively impact the way that others live is one of Judaism’s core values.
In the Kohavim class, along with developing the curriculum around the children's emerging interests, we will be focusing through out the year on ways we can
take care of ourselves ~ Shmirat Ha Guf,
each other ~ G'Milut Chasadim ~
and our environment~ Shmirat Ha Teva.
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