Sunday, November 4, 2012

Filling Buckets....

We have reading the book Have you Filled a Bucket Today? and reflecting upon ways in which we can fill one another's buckets. We can fill one another's buckets by spoken words or by our actions. It feels good to make others happy!!!

Last week we asked your children to reflect upon ways their family fill their buckets. We heard: "mommy helps me get dressed, my sister lets me play with her in the morning, my brother traded Pokemon cards with me, my mommy and daddy take me to restaurants, mommy and daddy let me come into their bed and play games with me like Candyland, tell me they are proud of me when I swim, give me hugs and kisses, cook mac and cheese for me, give me presents when I had my tonsils out, one time I fell and hit my head and my sister asked : Are you ok?, on Halloween my I fell down and my nana helped me."

On curriculum night we decided to provide parents the opportunity to make a family bucket from a selection of beautiful items and also to reflect upon how their children fill their buckets. The task of making a bucket from found materials was an activity that was provided to your children. There are many layers of learning in this process. Parents we welcome your feedback!

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