Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Glue + Borax = ?

What do you get when you combine glue, borax, a little water and some green paint? That's right. Gak! The children took turns measuring and adding each of the ingredients to the large bowl. The final ingredient was green watercolor paint. Lauri held up the paint and asked the children, "What color do you think the gak will be?" The guesses were varied, "Blue! Red! Purple!" Surprisingly not one child guessed green. It turned out that the children were right. Only the adults were surprised when the addition of green paint turned the gak blue. Stay tuned for gak experimentation in the days to come.
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  1. I never would have guessed blue!
    I loved all your posts! It looks like all the children had a wonderful day!

  2. I'm so confused!! Please keep us updated as to why it turned blue!!! I thought those kids must be silly but apparently they have much more insight than I! I am intrigued...
