Monday, December 6, 2010

Chanukah Fun with Parents

Making Handprint Menorahs

Making Edible Dreidels

Making Edible Menorahs

It was a Chanukah extravaganza in the Sunshine class today. To start with Sharon, Sara's mom and Lisa, Ali's mom came in and made handprint menorahs with fingerpaint. Then the children decorated them with sparkly glue, pom poms and jewels. Each one was more beautiful than the next.

After Havdalah, we came back to enjoy some special treats for snack. Lisa showed us how to make edible dreidels from marshmallows and chocolate kisses. Did they spin? Don't really know - we ate them.

For the finale, Jacob's mom, Rebecca and Leo's mom, Sara made menorahs from bananas, pretzels and grapes with us. It was great fun and most delicious.

Thank you to all our Sunshine parents for sharing in our Chanukah celebration!
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