Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Chanukah

We hope that you are all enjoying your"retro" menorahs. The children loved painting them with beautiful glitter paint, and everyone carefully counted out enough tea candles to be sure the had 8 candles on their menorah, plus a tall shamash.
But introducing the concept of a "retro" menorah was the most fun for the teachers! An LP record album was a total mystery to the children. The children were simply shown a record, and asked what they thought it was. Their answers were delightful:
Alex - a plate
Alison - a CD
Daniel - a plate
Noah - a CD
Jeffrey- a plate that you put food on
Becca- a CD
Matthew - a circle
Naomi - a huge CD that you put in a huge player
Jake - a plate
Lucas - a CD
Jayden - when you put something in a music thingy, it can play music
Jonathan - a plate

After hearing an explanation of a record, and a record player, many children recalled seeing pictures of records and record players in books. Boy, do I feel old!
Happy Chanukkah to all!

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1 comment:

  1. I always love this project....really missed working with the children on making these menorahs . I love the comments about what a record is. I hear that the LP is coming back!
