Thursday, December 2, 2010

Making Dreidels

The Rainbows made their own dreidels today. Beginning with a blank CD, they added stickers, glue and Chanukah confetti. When the design on the disc was complete, we squeezed a cork spinner into the center hole. The children enjoyed the process, spending lots of time and creative energy. These dreidels are one-of-a-kind, and they really spin!
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  1. Those are so cool!!! They don't really spin, though, do they?

  2. What a great idea!!! They are beautiful. I am sure they will get much enjoyment in spinning those round and round.

  3. Michele, they really do spin! :) What a great project.

  4. These are gorgeous! I love the idea. Now I know what we can do with all the old cds everyone has been bringing in.

  5. What a great project! Love it. Did the kids bring them home? I didn't see one.

  6. Lauren, I think that the kids that left before lunch took them, but we may not have packed them up for the others. Sorry! We'll have them Tuesday.
