Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hey he/she is dipping into my bucket... What CAN we DO?

One of the questions  asked at  curriculum night was: what about bucket dipping? For those unfamiliar with the book, bucket dipping is when our actions or words hurt someone's feelings. 

How do we as teachers respond to these situations? First we want to empower your children with the language to respond to these situations: Say, "STOP I don't like what you said or did" and get help from teachers as necessary.  Children are not innately bad . We need to provide them with opportunities to think and reflect upon how their words were hurtful, take the other person's perspective,  and think about what they can do to make things better. We model our speech and actions so everyone feels loved and respected. We will be working on developing those life skills of negotiating differences, saying STOP, ignoring and walking away when necessary, and getting help throughout the year.

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