Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Learning how to cooperate and share!

GAME: "Squirrel in the Tree" Using games to teach social skills such as sharing and cooperation is a tool we can all use!

Here is how the game is played: The chairs are the trees, the children are the squirrels. We started out with 8 chairs (trees) and 8 squirrels (children). When the music was playing the children galloped, skipped, flew around the room. When the music stopped a teacher took away one of the trees and the squirrels had to find a tree to sit in.

 Each time the music stopped the squirrels had to find a place to sit in one of the trees. Lily did not have a place to sit so Noah kindly moved over,called her name and invited her to sit in his tree. Toward the end of the game the squirrels had to get creative when sharing the space in their little tree. As you can see here in photos one squirrel made space underneath one of the trees (Elias).

What a fun afternoon we all had...Both the teachers and the children!


  1. Such a great twist on musical chairs! What a wonderful chance for the children to show their cooperative, kind selves.

  2. I love the photo of the kids sitting on Elias. And how nice that nobody is "out". Instead, the kids are problem solving which it seems like they are naturals at doing! Such a fun game!
